Investing in Nottinghamshire: Supporting People, Building Resilience 

Nottinghamshire County Council is committed to investing to improve the lives of everyone. We continue to address increased costs to deliver services whilst working hard to invest in the things that matter to you, now and into the future.  

In setting the budget for 2025 - 2026 it is more important than ever the money is invested where the need is greatest and to best create a healthy, prosperous, and greener future for everyone who lives in Nottinghamshire. 

In preparation for the next financial year, the Council is taking this opportunity to engage with residents and stakeholders by questionnaire, between Monday 30 September and Sunday 10 November, to best understand their needs and priorities.

The survey takes just a few moments to complete and the easiest way for residents to do so is online at Alternatively, ask your local library to print a copy for you or give us a call on: 0300 500 80 80.



Good afternoon,

Earlier this year, the Borough Council consulted on proposed priorities for its Economic Growth Strategy. Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete that survey, we have reviewed all responses, and have reflected the points made within the draft document.

The identified priorities for the strategy are:

  • Place and Experience; what it is like to live, work and visit Rushcliffe, including our town centre and high streets, housing growth and our culture and heritage.
  • Investment and Infrastructure; attracting new businesses to the Borough and securing the right transport and other infrastructure to support growth.
  • Business Support, Growth and Skills; providing the right support to our existing businesses and understanding our current and future skills needs.

The attached document is an executive summary of the Economic Growth Strategy which will be adopted by the Council in the autumn. The intention is that the Strategy document has a supporting action plan so we can set out the steps to achieving our ambitions and monitor our progress. This means the document will remain under review and can be amended to reflect any emerging changes and opportunities. The attached executive summary provides more detail on the three priorities, nine ambitions, and the initial identified actions.

As we continue to develop our strategy and action plan we would like to take the opportunity to ask for your views on this executive summary document. The short survey should take a maximum of 5 minutes to complete, thank you for taking the time to give us your feedback:

The survey will be open for responses until Wednesday 11th September at 5pm.

If you would like a more detailed discussion or have any questions please email me or the team on


Kind regards,


Service Manager Economic Growth and Property

Rushcliffe Borough Council

0115 9148552



Good afternoon,

As a valued stakeholder I am writing to you to ensure you are one of the first people to be made aware of a consultation that I am due to launch tomorrow (Wednesday 17 July).

One of my duties as Police and Crime Commissioner, on behalf of the public, is to create a Police and Crime Plan for 2024-2029.

This will set out the strategic priorities for Nottinghamshire Police and outline our aims to commission services to help us prevent crime and support victims of crime – whilst also setting some ambitious targets aimed at making Nottinghamshire a safer place for all.

It is vitally important that we create this plan to serve all of our diverse communities across Nottinghamshire and that everyone has the chance to give their views and help shape it.

I want people across Nottinghamshire to feel a sense of ownership of this new Police and Crime Plan and take this rare chance to be involved in influencing the final product.

We are reaching out to our diverse communities in a number of ways, including door-to-door and online surveys, social media and gathering people’s views during engagement events across the county.

But we also need your help. You can play an important role in giving even more people that opportunity to have their say and to help shape this plan.

I am asking that you please let the people that you serve know that they can get involved in our consultation, by visiting this link to the online survey

People can also find out more on our website at or at any of our upcoming engagement events.

People can also get in touch by calling us on 0115 8445998, emailing or writing to us at the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Nottinghamshire, Sherwood Lodge Joint Headquarters, Sherwood Lodge Drive, Arnold, NG5 8PP.

We will also be raising awareness of the consultation on our social media channels - on Facebook, X, Instagram and LinkedIn – so please follow us and share our messaging.

Your help in reaching more people across Nottinghamshire is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Yours sincerely,


Gary Godden  (he/him)
Police and Crime Commissioner for Nottinghamshire

Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Nottinghamshire

Joint Headquarters, Sherwood Lodge, Arnold, Nottingham NG5 8PP

0115 844 5998


Follow us on social media for our latest updates and opportunities




For a long time the parish council have been expressing our concerns about the road drainage in the village to Nottinghamshire County Council, who are responsible for highways.

We have recently receive the following update from NCC which we would like to share with residents:


Wymeswold Road, Wysall – A works order has been raised for investigation by the drainage team.

Costock Road, Wysall – Reported and awaiting inspection

Main Street Wysall - A works order has been raised for investigation by the drainage team.

Widmerpool Road -  Reported and awaiting inspection

Keyworth Road – Reported to our highways team

Wysall and Thorpe Parish Council meet on the first Tuesday every month i.e. the 6thth of February and the 5th of March.

Councilor John Cottee gave notice that the County was implementing an increase of 4.8% to the Council tax charge for residents. He advised that the local mayoral elections are moving forward. He also provided an update from his meeting with residents on widmerpool road re recent flooding episodes Councilor Andy Edyvean that planners are consulting an external source to review where solar parks should be placed in the borough.

Planning: 24/00161/FUL.  This is a solar energy park of 100 hectares co located with a large battery energy system of 3.2 acres, with associated infrastructure, cabling through the middle of the village.

Location: Land West of Bradmore road and North of Wysall road land West of Wysall

The council has had multiple objections from residents.

On February the 27th, our Lady Chair, Councilor Birch called an extraordinary PC regarding 24/00161/FUL. Exagen had visited both Costock and Wysall in summer 23 to indicate their intention to build a Solar Voltaic Park adjacent to Highfield 22/00303/FUL and on the door step of Wysall village. The company submitted planning permission and so the PC requested a meeting of the village so they could determine their feelings about this development. Over 30 people attended and the meeting lasted an hour. The Wysall action group which formed in June 2023 in order to oppose this development read a statement from the group and gave photocopies of the results of a petition in the village where 94% of those questioned did not want this Solar park to be built in the proposed location.

At the formal Parish Council meeting on March 5th, where the plans of a solar park were to be debated, one member of the public attended this meeting.  Councilor Tomlinson submitted a provisional list of objections for the other councilors to comment. Councilor Powell also pointed out the prospect of construction of an underground cable connecting the North to the South Field of solar panels in 24/00161/FUL which if it goes ahead will come right through the Centre of Wysall village.

There was a unanimous vote from all the Councilors present to object.

The Parish clerk will submit to Planning at RBC a document containing our reasons for objections which can be seen on line at 24/00161/FUL

24/00151/FUL a Battery Energy Storage Site outside Willoughby, Councilor Tomlinson expressed reservations and Councilor Powell registered an objection, but there were not enough on-line responses. No overall judgement could be made.

The PC objected to 23/0337, 24/0004/RELDEM apropos the boundary wall and have requested a visit from the conservation officer to confirm

Reference number 24/00136/FUL,24/00220/VAR,23/02327/PAQ,24/0057 RELDEM there were no objections

A letter from the Parish Council will be sent out soon, reiterating discussions that took place as a response to pavement parking on the Wymeswold road.

The PC is supporting the Borough biodiversity policy and agreed to take part in NCC climate change team.

Elsewhere in this excellent publication for the three WWW’s there is a note on the 4th year a successful litter pick that has taken place in Wysall and beyond. Streetwise are going to trail a litter pick station for the village. A resident can pick a bag and litter picker potentially to take with them on a walk or they see litter in the village. This was at no cost to our PC and it would be good to have some feedback as to its usefulness. I might add for those following with bated breath the saga of the missing policeman ( cardboard ) , sadly he /she/they have not been found and I think we have lost all hope of locating our guardian.

The PC like I sure all other PCs around the country, have been offered a picture of King Charles. We accepted and this will be hung in the village hall, for His Royal Highness to see when he eventually pays us a visit.

As a previous winner of the Best Kept Village, the PC has applied again for later this coming year. The PC thanks in anticipation that the residents of Wysall will maintain the high standards that is their norm and therefore put us in pole position this time around.

Having successfully resolved the village hall drafts by replacing windows and doors, - the PC hopes to everyone’s satisfaction – the PC is now looking further afield. The Children’s new play area at the back of the VH has been a success. This spring the PC agreed to tackle the uneven nature of this area and create a smoother grass surface for the children in the village to play on. There is a small matter of politely asking a mole (for Scottish residents a mowdie) to vacate the grass area, that we hope to flatten – not the mole -, in the children’s play area

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