News from Holy Trinity Wysall

News from Holy Trinity Wysall



The December Collection for the Great Notts Toy Appeal was wonderfully supported. Thank you to everyone who donated. Toys were delivered to St John’s church in Bilborough for distribution. This is from their website " All the toys donated go to children within the county. Obviously the identities of those children must remain confidential, even from us, but they have been identified by NHS, local government and healthcare workers who know those children and their needs individually. This allows them to come to the collection and, on occasions, pick exactly what toys they need and will be best received by an individual child.” We hope the children had a happy Christmas.


The Carol Service was attended by around 140 people. Children and adults from the village took part in the presentation of the Nativity Scene and gave readings and poems. The mulled wine and refreshments were greatly enjoyed. It was wonderful to see the church full and thank you to everyone who decorated the church so beautifully and helped with preparation and clearing up. It was a lovely start to the Christmas week.


Thursday Coffee Club will start again on February 6th on a monthly basis. Usually held the first Thursday of the month from 10.30 -12.00.  Do come if you have a free morning, the cakes are delicious and the company good! Over the past year residents from Belvoir Vale Care Home have been attending occasional services and the Coffee Morning. We are delighted to welcome them. All ages are welcome.


Dates for the diary

5th March Ash Wednesday

18th April Good Friday

20th April Easter Sunday

Fashion Show at the end of April, date TBC.


Our regular services are at 11.00 on the first and third Sunday of the month.

Stephen is continuing a regular Sunday evening service on Zoom. For details of how to join please email him


Fund raising social group

A group of us meet regularly to organise events. If you would like to help or join in, please contact any of us

Anne 07813 283276   Brigid 07971061770   Charlotte 07956 620090    

Jane 07773 247628       Julia 07710 992508   Carolyn  01509 889405