News from Holy Trinity Wysall


 Wysall Strawberry Fair is back again! Saturday - June 15th 1.00 – 4.0


Our Strawberry Fair will soon be here! Any offers of help will be most welcome. We need help for setting up, running the stalls and clearing afterwards. Please contact anyone below if you might be free.

This is an enjoyable community event and the profits will go to the upkeep of our beautiful village church.

During the week commencing Monday 10th June we hope to call on you for any bottle donations for the wine barrow raffle and also to sell raffle tickets for the Prize Draw.

Cake stall - Always popular so we need lots of cakes and other goodies to keep it going. Please let Charlotte know if you can offer a cake.

Raffle - We have some terrific prizes, Twenty20 tickets, bottles of fizz, a day out at Manor Farm, a summer hamper, vouchers for The Plough and local restaurants, and other lovely goodies!

Gazebos & garden umbrellas  - We always need these to protect the stalls from the sun or (hopefully not) rain. Bring along on the day if you can.


Fashion Show  This event on April 24th was, as always, a sellout. Helen from the Little Boutique with the help of her fantastic models put on a great show for us. We are so grateful to her for her generosity. The accompanying bubbles and canapés helped the evening go with a swing.


On Sunday 14th July Carolyn and Mike Birch are inviting us again to Brooklea Farm for an Alpaca Tea. Last year was a great success despite the weather so do come and meet the Alpacas once again. More details from Carolyn below.


Thursday Coffee Club is on the first Thursday of the month in Wysall Village Hall. For £2.00 you can have coffee or tea and any selection of home-made cakes and cookies. June 6th will be a special coffee morning for the anniversary of D Day. We will be brushing up our wartime recipes, donning our headscarves and listening to some Dame Vera. Everyone is welcome.


Dates for the diary

Thursday 6th June and Thursday 4th July Coffee Club in the village hall 10.30

Strawberry Fair Saturday June 15th 13.00-16.00

Alpaca Tea Brooklea Farm Sunday 14th July


Our regular services are at 11.00 on the first and third Sunday of the month.

Stephen is continuing a regular Sunday evening service on Zoom. For details of how to join please email him     [email protected]


Fund raising social group

A group of us meet regularly to organise events. If you would like to help or join in, please contact any of us

Anne 07813 283276   Brigid 07971061770   Charlotte 07956 620090    

Jane 07773 247628       Julia 07710 992508   Carolyn  01509 889405